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Grab my Gentle Night Weaning Guide for just $10 USD*

Special one-time offer! 

(*Normally $17 USD)

This comprehensive, downloadable guide is designed to help you transition your little one away from feeding at night gently and respectfully.

40+ pages of evidence-based information and guidance to help you make informed choices and decisions on when and how to night wean your little one from breast or bottle feeding.

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  • Total payment
  • 1xBaby Sleep Revolution™ Program$227

All prices in USD


Lifetime access to 4 x comprehensive modules with everything you need to help transition your little one into a consistently restful sleep pattern

Access a wealth of extra resources in the Help Hub to support your success

BONUS #1: Working With Other Caregivers bundle

BONUS #2: Access to the BSR Question Box

BONUS #3: BSR Alumni Community membership (invite will be sent 28 days after purchase)

"I’m like a new person!"

Emma’s 15mo daughter went from 6+ wakes/night down to 2 wakes/night.

 After BSR there’s no more hour-long bedtime battles, settling now takes 5 minutes, and days are more predictable.

"I have my sanity. I can function again. I can't stress how amazing it has been for us!"

Jacqueline's 6mo baby had been waking up every 30-60 minutes all night since she was about 4 months old. 

After the BSR program, she now wakes 1-2 times a night and Jacqueline feels empowered and confident in managing her sleep going forward.
